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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Monday, February 06, 2006

new attitudes

The weekend is over and now it is back to work. Monday mornings are always so freaking tough. I took some time this past week to reorient myself and get my positive attitude back. I have been so jaded for the last couple of months with worrying about my future and hating my job. I have changed some things up at work that should really make things run more smoothly. I am focusing on more positive things in my life instead of dwelling on the bad or what ifs. I am doing 100% better today then last week and once again I am happy.

I had a wonderful weekend with my little boy. He was sick and we stayed most of the time but it was still good. We did manage to make it outside for a few minutes yesterday so I could take some pics of him. I will add some of the pics here sometime soon.

Thanks for the wonderful advice I received and I hope everyone is doing equally as well.