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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Friday, January 06, 2006

me ranting

I fucking hate stupid people especially stupid narrow minded religious leaders. What the fuck!? How do these people justify what they say?

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Says Israel should be wiped of the planet. What about living in peace in harmony? Then he says he hopes for Prime Minister Sharon to die. Is this what your religion is about, death to anyone that does not believe like you? Of course this the fucking moron that said the holocaust was just propaganda.

700 Club Leader Pat Robertson:
Said that the U.S. should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Isn’t one of the ten commandment’s is Thou Shall Not Kill? I guess Pat missed this day of class in theology school. I am pretty sure that Jesus would not go around assassinating people. The old fucker also said that the recent natural disasters pointed to the coming of the end of the world. The end of the world may come soon be it will because of dumb ass religious leaders like Pat and ol Mahmoud. Now the old fart is saying that God stuck down Sharon. Sharon’s stroke is “divine retribution” for taking steps to help create a independent country of Palestine. "The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who, quote, 'divide my land.' God considers this land to be his.”
Ok this same land is the founding of all three of the worlds largest religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam followers could say that their god considers this land to be his. Here is an idea, let it belong to everyone. Let all religions worship there free of persecution.

Sorry this is a rant after reading the newspaper this morning.

Also from yesterday;
A male Baptist Tulsa pastor who is also on the executive committee of the National Southern Baptist Convention was arrested on charges of propositioning a male undercover police officer. “Latham has supported a convention directive urging members to befriend gays and lesbians and try to convince them that they can become heterosexual if they accept Jesus Christ as their savior and reject their lifestyle.” “As he left jail yesterday, he said he was set up and was in the area pastoring to police.”
Yep I believe that. He was pastoring out on the street just in case there were undercover police officers around? Who does he think he is kidding? Plus a homosexual can become a heterosexual just by accepting Christ? Man what a dumb ass. By that way of thinking then a homosexual cannot be Christian. Sure that is what Jesus taught, seperation and punishment to homosexuals. That is the secret 11th commandment, Thou shalt not be homosexual.

It is a tough call for these three but I think that Pastor Latham from Tulsa should get the dumb ass of the week award!

Now that bad thing about all of this is that all three of these people have followers that believe everything they say. I don’t know what is worse, the dumb people that say these things or the stupid people that believe and follow these people.