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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Friday, September 16, 2005


I have not posted in some time. I am sorry. Life has been one big blur as of late. So much going on but also so little. Life seems to be really busy for me but at the same time it seems I have so little to talk about. I suppose I have gotten caught up in daily life and not pushed myself to truly live and experience it. As each day passes I feel an urge get stronger to travel and to "do." I want to do something truly inspiring soon, the once in a life time thing. I have been thinking of hiking the 225 mile Ouchita Trial or the 165 mile Ozark Highland Trial from start to finish, of biking the Natchez Trace, all 444 miles of it. I need an adventure. I need something to break up the mundane daily life, something other then dinner and a movie, other then going out for drinks, other then coffee and reading at Barnes and Noble. I want to go and take with me a camera and pen and paper so I can record my adventure. A crazy road trip with no plans just a cam recorder to document the trip. Just 3 friends, a car, a camera, a care free attitude and 7 days to go and do what ever comes to mind.