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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Zip Line Park

Here is a website to a zip line park that I drove by last week. It is about an hour from LR. The prices seem really good. Can't wait to try it out.

Monday Ride

The Monday ride is usually pretty fun ride. There are always 6 of us that make the ride every week and then there are sometimes others that join in occasionally. The tempo is pretty good, usually around 19mph with the occasional sprint for bragging rights. The ride is pretty consistent in distance of about 22 miles. It is starts at Cooks Landing, swings around the industrial park and back to Cooks and then onto the bike rental shop and back with a detour to include a loop up to and around Fort Roots. Occasionally the route will change but not often.

Last night was a night it changed. We did loops around Burns Park. That loop is so much fun with its rolling hills and a couple of fun climbs. I felt really good and was not having any problem with the hills or tempo. Of course it seems like when ever I am having a really good night something has to happen, blowout. The group had gotten split up and we slowed down to wait on the others to catch up when it happened. Fortunately it did not happen to me but to John1 who was right in front of me. The blowout was so violent that it actually blew a hole through the tire. We had extra tubs but not extra tires so his night was over. Someone took off to go get their car so they could come back and pick him up. Instead of leaving him there on the side of the road we all waited. 30 minutes later he is loading up his bike and we are taking off. We had to warm back up and it was getting starting to get late so off to Cooks we went. I still managed to get in 23 miles but it was not a continuous 23 miles so it was not as good as a ride as I wanted but mechanicals do happen. Overall it was still a decent and fun ride and the fun part is still the main reason I ride in the first place.

Trying this again...

This blog has been neglected long enough. I am going to attempt to maintain this project and keep to the original intent of the blog which was to chronicle my outdoor adventures (more like escapades but adventures has a better ring to it) and my struggle with attempt to become a better athlete as I age ungracefully.

Why do a blog? I promise it is not because I feel my life is so interesting that I think it should be required reading for everyone. It is to attempt to become accountable in my training and or meeting my goals. If I am the only one that reads it that is fine because ultimately it is for me any way. If people want to read it for inspiration, humor or give me advice, I am completely ok with that. Supposedly a goal has a better chance to be reached if it is written down. Does it further increase if it is written down in a public forum? I hope so.

A little about me…I am a middle aged, overweight, husband and father of two (ages 15 and 2) who dreams of being a better biker, completing a marathon and one day of doing triathlons. My biking strength is good but not great. I ride about 90 miles a week at varying paces and do include some hills. I struggle with my weight. I am not fat by any means but not skinny either. I normally lose 20 pounds or more in the summer and gain most of it back in the winter. This year however, I have lost 5 pounds and can not seem to lose more. My eating habits have not changed. Not sure why I am unable to lose more and beginning to get frustrated. This is one reason I have resurrected the blog. So let the accountability begin.