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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Friday, July 29, 2005

It Is Here!!!

It is Friday!!! Thank goodness. I am so ready for the weekend. I am ready to go dancing tonight maybe catch a good movie over the weekend and do some biking and running and not to mention sleep! I do have to work Sunday night so the weekend will not be all play.

Nothing really new to report except I maybe drank one too many last night at Pizza D but hell that is not really new either. Every time I go there I drink at least one too many, sometimes two too many. Good thing I don’t live across the street anymore from there anymore. My two favorite dive bars are Pizza D and Midtown, Whitewater is pretty fun too. One thing is for certain though, if you make it to Midtown it will be two in the morning and you will end up doing something you don’t want to do before last call. That place is the root of all that is tempting but oh what fun it is though and the hamburgers; delicious.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Almost There.

I survived my two long days for the week and now it is time to start looking toward the weekend (Chris does the cabbage patch)! I am ready for it. I have to tell you about something funny that happened yesterday though. I leave my windows cracked in my car while at work to help keep it cooler. Yesterday I get in my car to go from my first job to my second job. I start backing out and something is hitting my back glass. I am looking in the rear view and don’t see anything. I start backing up again and I hear it again so this time I turn and look and it is a squirrel going crazy and hitting the back window when the car starts moving. I had to stop and open the doors to let the squirrel out. Poor squirrel was severally traumatized. I bet he does not climb into any more cars.

Last night at work sucked. I made a little money but I had to work for it. I got stuck waiting on some crazy old ladies that ran me up and down the stairs and a bunch of kids. The other server made twice what I made. I was so tired after we closed. Damn kids, not only did the same group of kids come in but they actually came in twice and I had to wait on them both freaking times!!! Next time though I will tell them they have to go to the bar for service, I will not wait on them again.

It is Thursday and the office is quiet. A lot of people are gone. Tonight I am going to cut the yard and go to Pizza D. Tomorrow is Friday and dancing time. Saturday more yard work and work on car and hopefully bike some. Sunday is long run and rest and work Sunday night.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Silver Lining

I am here at work being tired and all. Last night I had a good night at the restaurant. First of all I worked with Anna and Dennis. I like them both of them and Anna and I work well together. The afternoon was pretty slow so Anna got cut around 8:30. Well of course after she gets cut we start picking up. It usually does around 9, people coming in to hang out and talk. At 9:30 we had a group of about 40 people come in for a meeting. Hello! You should have called first and let us know on a group that big! So here I am, all ready a little busy before they came in. Can you say slammed!!! Of course they, for the most part, just order drinks. So then for the next hour it is all I can do just to keep up with refills not to mention keeping my other customers taken care of. Fortunately most of the other people there are regulars so they understand and are patient. Thank You!! It was after closing before I got all the people out of there and took me much longer then normal to do all the final closeouts and cleaning. Why did you have to make such a mess in the conference room!? I did not clock out until midnight. Of course I had to be at work at my main job at 7 this morning and the beauty part of it is that I get to repeat all of that today and tonight! So is the life of a poor 30 something Little Rockian. The silver lining is that I made the most money, last night, I have ever made at the restaurant.

Another good thing about working the second job is all the people I get to meet. It is a real smorgasbord of people that come in; rich, poor, beautiful, the not so beautiful, young and old. It is such an interesting cross section of people. One of those interesting people that comes in is a girl I went to high school with. She was the most beautiful girl to me when I first laid eyes on her, when she moved to my home town, and after seeing her 20 years later she still is. I had not seen her since graduating high school until she walked in the restaurant a couple of weeks ago. Now she comes in quite a bit and that makes me happy. Mei is such a kind person with a personality that brings a smile to everyone’s face that comes across her. She is such a wonderful and vibrant woman not to mention such a classic beauty. I am so glad we have had this time to become friends again. Mei, did you know you were my first kiss? I still remember it like it was yesterday, it was at the circus and I was so nervous. Funny how 20 years later you still make me nervous.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

1 Down 4 To Go

Today is the first morning of my new blog format and I love it. Much more pleasing to the eye then the generic template I selected when I created the blog originally. Ginger did such a fabulous job. If you ever want to redo your blog look her up.

I feel really good this morning. I got some sleep and had a pretty good evening. I am going to need it because today and tomorrow are my 17 hour work days. I just hope I make some money tonight.

I have nothing really new to report except that my life has changed since taking the second job. There is of course the loss of free time that the second job takes up but also it has made my life less structured. Instead of having every evening free to do laundry, yard work or hanging out at Barnes or Pizza D with friends while having a tasty beverage, I have to plan to do these things. For example I would love to go out Thursday night and have a drink with friends but I have to cut the yard before I do anything. I used to be able to go to bed by 10 and get up and jog in the mornings. I can do that some now but like in the morning, waking up at 5am, after not getting home until midnight, to go run 3 miles so I can be at work by 7am is just damn near impossible to do. I do not regret getting the second job because I love working there; it is just that I am still making adjustments in my life to get used to it.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Test for comments

Another Weekend Gone.

What a weekend. I need a day to recover just from it. I had Branson this weekend and it is always a busy one with him. We just go and do so much that I get worn out. We saw the Fantastic Four, went to Wild River Country for 6 hours on Saturday, and went out to eat a lot including, Ozark Mountain Smokehouse, Shotgun Dan’s, Sufficient Grounds, and the Olive Garden. I worked on Branson’s BMX racing bike and worked on my car some early in the mornings while he was still asleep, not to mention I worked last night also. I was even able to get up and jog 3 miles this morning. Can you say tired?

I am ready for a break, but I will not get one anytime soon. I work tomorrow, Wednesday and Sunday nights, and I have yard work to do on Thursday. I have to find time during all of that to do laundry and keep the house clean. Tonight I am going to work on my car, so that is pretty much all of my free days taken up with must do things. I still need to keep my morning runs going and ride my bike sometime this weekend. I am still shooting for November for my first full marathon so my training needs to pick up some. Friday night, though, I am going dancing. I am going to Cowboy and dance my ass off.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Just a few more minutes.

It is Friday! It is payday and I get Branson! It is going to be a good weekend. I do have a lot to do this weekend. I want to finally work on my car. I need to work on the paint and do some upkeep. I know Branson is going to ride or even race BMX bikes and we may go to Wild River Country tomorrow. Just have to wait and see what he wants to do. I hope we can go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but I am sure he will want to go see The Fantastic Four. Oh well, the scrafices we make for our children.

This past week has been good and bad and now I am just happy it is ending. I have talked to Michelle more lately which is so nice. I miss her dearly. I have hung out with a new friend, Tonya, some and I still not have heard from Paula. I guess I will see her at the Wynn Marathon. I have made some money this week so I am starting to put some away in savings so I can pay off all my debts and work on my car. I have decided to keep my car for a little longer. I am going to repaint it, tint it and put new wheels on it. It may not be the WRX I wanted but it should look pretty good.

I am going to have a busy week ahead of me but I am ready to go dancing next Friday night!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Sleepless in Little Rock

I am so exhausted. From Friday morning until right now I have had maybe 12 hours of sleep. It took everything I could muster not to call in to work and take the day off. I have had 1 day off in the last 15 days and will not have another one until Saturday. The way this month has gone I will have 2 days off for the entire month of July. I need a vacation.

This weekend was very eventful, but of course if you don’t sleep it gives you more chances to have things to happen. The weekend started out simple enough. One of my best friends, Wendy, and I met at my little dive bar, Pizza D, and had a couple of drinks. We decided to go dancing at Cowboy that night. So we go get ready and meet up there around 10:30. While up there I run into a girl that I will call Lady X. Lady X and I have some history together. There are no hard feelings and I still think the world of her. We talked some at the club and it was good to see her. Wendy and I had blast and just danced our butts off. When leaving the club late that night, I just had a sinking depressed feeling. I was going home alone again. It is not that I wanted to “hook up” with someone at the club because I am not like that, but rather not having someone to share my life with. My room mate, Ashley, had fallen asleep on the couch and when I got home I woke her up when I came in. She asked about Cowboy and I told her it was fun and that I saw Lady X there. She said "Lady X just quit calling you didn’t she?" and then I said “yes, just like Paula.” To give some back ground the last two people I have been “close” to, have just quit calling. Quite literally, it went from talking every day and everything being great to the very next day not talking at all. No more phone calls and not returning phone calls; completely from Hot to Cold in 24 hours.

At the moment I said “just like Paula” it hit me. The problem is me. I cried myself to sleep that night. It had been so long since I cried that I can not even remember the last time but I did that night.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I am pissed! Some low life mother fucker stole my ice chest from my porch. I know you are thinking it is just an ice chest. It is not the monetary factor it is the principle. Some worthless fuck came on to my yard and on my porch and took something that belonged to me. I am so sick of shitty people in this world. The world is full of stupid, narrow mind, selfish people only trying to get what they can with out working for it. The other morning on my 6am jog I passed a homeless man walking down Lee Street. When I ran up behind him, I scared him. At this time the man only had a bag under his arm. I continued down Lee until it intersected with Kavanaugh and turned to go back up Kavanaugh. I passed this same homeless man again but this time he was carrying a weed eater and gas can. I know it was the same man because he said as I passed him “you did not scare me this time.” I thought about confronting him about the additional items he was carrying but since I was half mile from home again I just jogged home and called the police. I have no idea if the caught him and I really doubt they did. If you need money get a fucking job. If you need an ice chest go to wal-mart, target or any other place that sells them. Just because you see something that you want does not give you the right to just take it you piece of shit.

This is a perfect intro to a different topic. You stupid fucking coward terrorists, did you really think that by bombing London that they would pull their troops out of Iraq? The general population already wanted their troops out of Iraq you stupid fucks. Now you ignorant shits have just made the general population of Great Britain angry and determined to rid the world of you cowards. You bomb innocent civilians. You bomb the elderly, women and children. You are cowards and worthless fucks. There is not a religion in the world that I know of that recommends or supports killing children! You are bunch of evil, worthless fucks that waste good oxygen by being alive. I hope you all die a slow and painful death.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Blanchard Caverns Posted by Picasa

Blanchard Caverns Posted by Picasa

Blanchard Springs Posted by Picasa

Exhausted but Worth it.

I am so tired. I had a really good weekend but I am paying for that this morning. I have had so little sleep over the last 3 nights that it is affecting my thinking – not that I did a lot of that anyway.

I had Branson this weekend and we went camping at Blanchard Springs. It was nice to get away for a little while. We went mountain bike riding, swimming, toured Blanchard Caverns, walking around and shopping downtown Mountain View, and went to the Ozark Folk Center. The Caverns are so beautiful. I am going to post a couple of pics from there. It is amazing to know that Mother Nature is still the supreme artist. The wonderful formations and scenery she creates is mind numbing. I am fortunate that my 9 year old son notices, enjoys and respects the outdoors and nature so much.

Branson just loves to go camping but outside the caverns I think the most fun we had on the trip was swimming in the little creek next to our campsite and looking for the perfect flat rock to skip across the water. The excitement and joy he had in his face doing that or roasting marshmallows over the fire made the whole trip worth while since after all, it was all for him anyway.

Have you ever noticed though children are often happy over the simplest things? As we get older it is more and more difficult to have that all things are wonderful feeling. We often miss the simple beauties in life. Oh to be a child again to have the simple joys.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Random Thoughts

Rain = sleepy.
Listening to Norah Jones right now.
Have to work second job tonight.
Wanting someone to cuddle up to and nap.
Wanting to bike the Natchez Trail.
Work is slow now.
Need to join a gym again.
“Strange Transmissions”

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Yeap still too much to drink Posted by Picasa

After one too many. Posted by Picasa

Fireworks, sun and water.

Whoa, what a weekend. First it is a little hard to type since I had a freak accident and my hand got stabbed to the bone and it is very sore. My weekend was not like I thought it would be at all but it was still really fun. I thought I would be spending the bulk of it with Paula. Instead I saw Paula for 30 minutes on Saturday and that was it. The good news is that she got her own apartment this weekend so now we will be able to see each other more now.

This weekend I drank too much, got too little sleep and go too much sun. In the day time if I was not at work at Sufficient Grounds I was at Tommy’s house in the pool. At night time I was at Pizza D. The exception was last night. We all stayed at Tommy’s and got trashed. Ashley got us all wonderful steaks from the steakhouse she works at and we just drank, grilled out, and swam all afternoon and evening yesterday. I drank two bottles of wine and let’s just say that it was one bottle too much.

I am looking forward to this week though. I only work Wed night at Sufficient. I will finally be able to work on my car some and get the yard work done. Thursday I might be able to go to Russellville to see Paula.