What a wonderful weekend! I have not had 3 days off from both jobs since June. It was so nice. I got to spend Friday all by my lonesome and I loved it. I did sleep a lot of it away unfortunately; I guess my body was worn out from my schedule earlier in the week. I love working both jobs but it just takes so much out of me. It is really going to get tough when I start work on my masters degree this January. The spring semester I will be only taking one night class but next year I plan on taking much more then that, probably going full time again. It will be tough but it is worth it.
This weekend was also made terrific because I had my wonderful son. He made straight A’s again these 9 weeks. I am so proud of him. He also has a little girlfriend he told me this week. I am unsure how that makes me feel. I guess it is a sign he is getting older and I do not really want him to. We did not do as much as we usually do together. We spent much more time at the house this weekend then normal but we did go out to eat some and rented a movie and went to the UALR basketball game. That was a lot of fun. It was a good game.
I am going to check out a gym after work today. I have to join a gym this week. I have to get back into shape. I still bike a lot but I need to run and to start lifting weights again. No more excuses. I have to start training seriously for the Little Rock Marathon. I want to fun the full distance. I AM going to run the full distance. It will be a nice birthday present to myself. My first marathon completed 11 days before my 34th birthday.