I need help. I am at a crossroads, well actually several crossroads. I truly do not know what is best for me or anything. Here is the complete situation. I work two jobs. My main job is working for a state entity in construction. I have an office job. I basically process tons of paper and review legal documents. My second job is a waiter in a wonderful coffee shop. My main job is really quite easy. It gives me the bulk of my money and not to mention my benefits like insurance and a really good vacation plan. My second job is strictly for extra money to save and to pay off all debts. At the current rate I will be debt free, excluding student loans, by January 1, 2007. My goal is to buy a house in January or February of 2007. Now here is my dilemma. I hate my main job. For the most part it is ok but I often have to deal with certain manager which I do not get along with. This person makes me sick because of their inability to manage projects and his/her uncaring toward employees. Several of us sit in broken chairs at our desk. He will not buy new chairs because it will come out of our budget and therefore affect his bonus. There is a high turnover rate in the office just because of this person and how he treats employees. People have complained and have filed complaints but it is still the good ole’ boy system here and he/she is one of the good ole’ boys so nothing is going to happen except the suffering of the employees.
I want out of here. I just don’t know what to do. I have thought about going back and getting my master’s degree. I have thought about trying to change careers but that is easier said then done. My dream is to one day open a bicycle shop. Honestly I doubt that will ever happen just because of the money needed to do so. I am saving money though and working towards that goal. I thought about working at a bike shop and getting experience. If I do that I will lose my benefits, and I will have to work on Saturdays. The problem with the Saturday thing is that I get my son every other weekend. That comes out to just over 4 days a month. I don’t want to give up any of that time much less two of those days to work.
I have thought about just working at the coffee shop and going to school but once again I would give up benefits. I do not want to give up benefits because of certain medication. Everything has huge drawbacks. That is why I need help, I do not know what to do.
I want out of here. I just don’t know what to do. I have thought about going back and getting my master’s degree. I have thought about trying to change careers but that is easier said then done. My dream is to one day open a bicycle shop. Honestly I doubt that will ever happen just because of the money needed to do so. I am saving money though and working towards that goal. I thought about working at a bike shop and getting experience. If I do that I will lose my benefits, and I will have to work on Saturdays. The problem with the Saturday thing is that I get my son every other weekend. That comes out to just over 4 days a month. I don’t want to give up any of that time much less two of those days to work.
I have thought about just working at the coffee shop and going to school but once again I would give up benefits. I do not want to give up benefits because of certain medication. Everything has huge drawbacks. That is why I need help, I do not know what to do.