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This is the story of my adventures in the outdoors of Arkansas; from the bland to the grand and everything in between.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I need help. I am at a crossroads, well actually several crossroads. I truly do not know what is best for me or anything. Here is the complete situation. I work two jobs. My main job is working for a state entity in construction. I have an office job. I basically process tons of paper and review legal documents. My second job is a waiter in a wonderful coffee shop. My main job is really quite easy. It gives me the bulk of my money and not to mention my benefits like insurance and a really good vacation plan. My second job is strictly for extra money to save and to pay off all debts. At the current rate I will be debt free, excluding student loans, by January 1, 2007. My goal is to buy a house in January or February of 2007. Now here is my dilemma. I hate my main job. For the most part it is ok but I often have to deal with certain manager which I do not get along with. This person makes me sick because of their inability to manage projects and his/her uncaring toward employees. Several of us sit in broken chairs at our desk. He will not buy new chairs because it will come out of our budget and therefore affect his bonus. There is a high turnover rate in the office just because of this person and how he treats employees. People have complained and have filed complaints but it is still the good ole’ boy system here and he/she is one of the good ole’ boys so nothing is going to happen except the suffering of the employees.

I want out of here. I just don’t know what to do. I have thought about going back and getting my master’s degree. I have thought about trying to change careers but that is easier said then done. My dream is to one day open a bicycle shop. Honestly I doubt that will ever happen just because of the money needed to do so. I am saving money though and working towards that goal. I thought about working at a bike shop and getting experience. If I do that I will lose my benefits, and I will have to work on Saturdays. The problem with the Saturday thing is that I get my son every other weekend. That comes out to just over 4 days a month. I don’t want to give up any of that time much less two of those days to work.

I have thought about just working at the coffee shop and going to school but once again I would give up benefits. I do not want to give up benefits because of certain medication. Everything has huge drawbacks. That is why I need help, I do not know what to do.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Bikes, movies and homework

What a wonderful weekend! For a laid back weekend it was terrific. I had my son this weekend which that in itself makes it a good weekend but had so much fun. We watched movies including Hoodwinked. It was so cute and funny. Jessica bought a new bike and we rode bikes Saturday. The weather was perfect for it. We laid around and played with Branson’s toys and worked on a home work project together. We did not do a lot but yet it was still a blast. I hope every weekend can be as fun as this past one!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hidden Costs

Yesterday was the big day. I had to be in court at 8:30 for my criminal charge. There were a lot of people there for court. Most people there were from holding and were there for drugs and theft. There were a surprising number of people getting evicted from their rental property. Among the drug dealers and thieves were 6 bartenders/servers that all got busted last Wednesday night. We started talking and developed a time line for vice that night. We also determined that we were all busted with vice using the same 19 year old girl. We all agreed that she looked liked she was at least 30. Everyone one of us pleaded guilty. We all got a $200 fine. I was relieved a little because I was expecting a $500 fine. I got put on parole for one year. So now I have to call into a parole officer every month. After court I had to meet with my new parole officer. He broke down how the fine works and such. The $200 fine plus I have to pay court costs, another $105 and then I have to pay for being put on parole! That is another $175!!! So all total it comes up to $480! All and all yesterday sucked! I suppose it could be worse but damn it still sucked.

At least I get my wonderful little boy tomorrow. That will make me happy. By the way, he has straight A’s for the first semester this year! He makes me so proud.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gone and Done It!

Well I went and did it. I screwed up last night and went and got me a criminal record. I can not believe that I did that, I never do that. Last night I did and she worked for the police. After I screwed up and said ok two police men walk up to me and need to talk to me. She was 19. Damn the luck. She was all dressed up, skirt and heels. I was so stupid!!!! What was I thinking? Ok obviously I was not thinking.

My charge; unknowingly providing alcohol to a minor. It was a sting operation that I fell victim to. It was about 8:00pm and we were slammed. There are two servers in the restaurant so when we get that busy it is crazy. Ami and I each had about 12 tables. She walks in orders a glass of cabernet. I am the only server there that cards on a regular basis, but I thought she was my age. I did not even think she was in her twenties at all. Well I guess I was right but she was in her teens and not her thirties like I thought. So I was given a criminal citation and now I have to be in court this upcoming Wednesday. The police were telling me it was not a big deal because I was understandably a little stressed. The kept telling me that they were the police and not the ABC (alcohol beverage commission or something other). I guess I will find out on Wednesday. All I can say is if I don’t know you personally guess what you are getting carded by me. I don’t care if you are 99 with a walker and with hair that has gone solid white, no ID no alcohol! What a way to start off the New Year.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It is about time!

Ok I have hit the wall. I have gained entirely too much weight. It is all coming off! I have slowly gained weight over the last 3 years. I have always said that I am going to take it off. Something always gets in the way of doing it. It is always to easy to pick up something to eat on the way home, etc. I always have excuses as to why to put off getting in shape until tomorrow. Not any more. After the holidays I have gained enough of weight that my clothes do not fit right any more. I am a pretty active person already but I eat so badly. Now I am going to eat better and going to exercise harder. I am going to be fit again and soon!

Friday, January 06, 2006

me ranting

I fucking hate stupid people especially stupid narrow minded religious leaders. What the fuck!? How do these people justify what they say?

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Says Israel should be wiped of the planet. What about living in peace in harmony? Then he says he hopes for Prime Minister Sharon to die. Is this what your religion is about, death to anyone that does not believe like you? Of course this the fucking moron that said the holocaust was just propaganda.

700 Club Leader Pat Robertson:
Said that the U.S. should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Isn’t one of the ten commandment’s is Thou Shall Not Kill? I guess Pat missed this day of class in theology school. I am pretty sure that Jesus would not go around assassinating people. The old fucker also said that the recent natural disasters pointed to the coming of the end of the world. The end of the world may come soon be it will because of dumb ass religious leaders like Pat and ol Mahmoud. Now the old fart is saying that God stuck down Sharon. Sharon’s stroke is “divine retribution” for taking steps to help create a independent country of Palestine. "The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who, quote, 'divide my land.' God considers this land to be his.”
Ok this same land is the founding of all three of the worlds largest religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam followers could say that their god considers this land to be his. Here is an idea, let it belong to everyone. Let all religions worship there free of persecution.

Sorry this is a rant after reading the newspaper this morning.

Also from yesterday;
A male Baptist Tulsa pastor who is also on the executive committee of the National Southern Baptist Convention was arrested on charges of propositioning a male undercover police officer. “Latham has supported a convention directive urging members to befriend gays and lesbians and try to convince them that they can become heterosexual if they accept Jesus Christ as their savior and reject their lifestyle.” “As he left jail yesterday, he said he was set up and was in the area pastoring to police.”
Yep I believe that. He was pastoring out on the street just in case there were undercover police officers around? Who does he think he is kidding? Plus a homosexual can become a heterosexual just by accepting Christ? Man what a dumb ass. By that way of thinking then a homosexual cannot be Christian. Sure that is what Jesus taught, seperation and punishment to homosexuals. That is the secret 11th commandment, Thou shalt not be homosexual.

It is a tough call for these three but I think that Pastor Latham from Tulsa should get the dumb ass of the week award!

Now that bad thing about all of this is that all three of these people have followers that believe everything they say. I don’t know what is worse, the dumb people that say these things or the stupid people that believe and follow these people.


It is finally Friday! This week has been so long. Why is it that the 4 day work weeks seem to last longer then a regular work week? This is going to be a good weekend. I get Branson all weekend and have a lot of things planned. Things that are on the list of possibilities;

Museum of Discovery
King Kong movie
Clinton Library
Rake front yard
Oil change and new brakes on my car
Ozark Mountain Smoke House for a wonderful breakfast

Every weekend I have Branson we stay so busy. We try to fit so much in since I only get him every other weekend. He wears me out. I have been asked why I try to do so much on those weekends. The answer is that I in those precious few days I have with my son I have to make a lifetime of memories. That is tough to do with just every other weekend.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Reflections and Plans

As a lot of people do this time of year I have been doing a little reflecting on the past year and making plans for this next year. What is your biggest plan for 2006?

Things that happened this past year, good and bad:
I did not stay in contact with friends.
I moved into my wonderful, cozy, little house.
I started a second job.
I started on my way to become debt free.
I started biking fairly seriously.
I started saving money.
I started dating Jessica.
I stopped playing in the SCA.
I bought a new camera.

Things I plan on doing this year:
excluding student loans become debt free.
I will pay off my car.
I will start playing again in the SCA.
I will race at least twice this year on bikes.
I will take Branson and Jessica on a wonderful vacation.
I will strive to make the world a better place through charity and volunteering.
I will work on my photography skills.
I will be a better father, son and significant other.
I will be a better friend.
I will lose weight.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


It is 2006 and the holidays and vacation is over and now it is back to work. It was all I could do to get out of bed this morning. To make matters worse the office is in a frenzy. Everyone is trying to play catch up on what has been happening over the last couple of weeks. People are irritable because they don’t want to be here so tolerance is a little low right now.

Personally I am ok. I am tired but not irritable. I am just staying in my office trying to pick away at the piles of paper and emails and to stay out of everyone’s sight. Out of sight out of mind. I hope that works for today.